John P. Verboncoeur

John P. Verboncoeur

Michigan State University
IEEE Region
Region 04 (Central U.S.)

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John P. Verboncoeur received a B.S. (1986) in Engineering Science from the University of Florida, M.S. (1987) and Ph.D. (1992) in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California-Berkeley (UCB), holding the DOE Magnetic Fusion Energy Technology Fellowship.

After serving as a joint postdoc at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UCB in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), he was appointed associate research engineer in UCB-EECS, and to the UCB Nuclear Engineering faculty in 2001, attaining full professor in 2008. He served as the chair of the Computational Engineering Science Program at UCB from 2001-2010.

In 2011, he was appointed professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State University, and added an appointment as professor of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering in 2015. His teaching includes electromagnetics, plasma physics, neutronics, engineering analysis, and computation. His research interests are in theoretical and computational plasma physics, with a broad range of applications spanning low temperature plasmas for lighting, thrusters and materials processing to hot plasmas for fusion, from ultra-cold plasmas to particle accelerators, from beams to pulsed power, from intense kinetic nonequilibrium plasmas to high power microwaves.

He is the author/coauthor of the MSU (formerly Berkeley) suite of particle-in-cell Monte Carlo (PIC-MC) codes, including XPDP1 and XOOPIC, used by more than 1,000 researchers worldwide with over 450 journal publications in the last decade. He has authored/coauthored more than 400 journal articles and conference papers, with over 4000 citations, and has taught 15 international workshops and mini-courses on plasma simulation. He is currently an associate editor for Physics of Plasmas, and has served as a guest editor and/or frequent reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, as well as a number of other plasma and computational journals.

He is past president of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, a member of the IEEE TAB Management Committee, and IEEE Division IV Director. He serves on the U.S. Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee.

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