16th IEEE Workshop on Low-Temperature Electronics
Geographic Location
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Event Menu
The 16th IEEE Workshop on Low-Temperature Electronics is being planned for June 3-6, 2024 to be located in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Important dates
- April 6, 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline to EDAS
- April 15, 2024 Acceptance Notification
- June 3-6, 2024 Workshop, Caligari, Sardinia, Italy
- September 1, 2024 IEEE TAS/TQE Special Issue Paper Submission Deadline
- Low-temperature electronic and memory circuits, components, and devices.
- Novel low-temperature devices including superconducting diodes, nanobridges, cryotrons, spintronic, voltage-controlled devices, charge density wave devices, etc.
- Advances in modeling of low-temperature devices and circuits
- Advances in low-temperature circuit technologies including neuromorphic and ballistic circuits
- Low-temperature electronics for qubit and sensor control and readout
- Low-temperature electronics for low latency quantum error correction
- Low-temperature electronics for space and high-energy physics applications
- Hybrid technology integrating different types of low-temperature electronics in a single system
- Integration of low-temperature electronics with photonic, spin-based quantum systems
- Advances in cryocooling systems for electronics
- Advances in cryopackaging including cryosystems for quantum computers at scale, dark matter search systems
- Advances in flux trapping management, modeling, and shielding techniques
- Submit an abstract of up to one page to the EDAS conference paper submission site, which will be set up well in advance of the abstract's due date.
- In addition to a planned proceeding consisting of Abstracts, presenters at WOLTE16 will have the opportunity to submit an expanded paper to either IEEE’s TAS or the TQE journals.
General Chair(s)
Call Document(s)