Announcement | Last Friday at 11:53 facebook twitter linkedin Email Name: Jennifer Volk Position: CSC Young Professionals Committee Member What do you do for the IEEE Council of Superconductivity (CSC) YP committee? I have been a member of the IEEE CSC YP committee for just over a year now. My goal is to bridge the gap between early-career and mid- to late-career individuals in the field to (1) facilitate greater engagement in the community and (2) open up an inclusive space in which knowledge and fresh ideas can be shared. Towards this end, I have moderated career panels, helped to co-hosted networking events, and mentored student groups in superconductors at all academic levels. I have some really exciting plans for stoking more opportunities for mentorship and early project-based engagement in the field, so stay tuned! Which aspect of the IEEE CSC do you find most beneficial to your career? One of the greatest strengths of the IEEE CSC is the people behind it! There are so many wonderful people that are either already a part of the committee or are drawn into the opportunities it provides for networking and connecting. This includes myself; it has been a joy connecting with not only the long-time members of IEEE but also other folks who are at similar career points. Both groups of people can offer different perspectives on what a career in the field looks like, and this has served as a very useful reference. What do you currently work on regarding Superconductivity? I recently joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, where I work on superconductor circuits and architectures for next-generation and near-sensor computing. What ignited your interest in the field of superconductivity and your current area of focus? The opportunity to work in a group on several compelling superconductor electronics projects came up when I was applying to graduate schools. I had not known a thing about superconductors prior to starting my PhD, but very quickly realized just how fascinating they can be. It was through increasing interaction with the community through conferences and the IEEE CSC that I made new friends and contacts with whom I now regularly share my research. In your opinion, what role can YP play in making a significant impact on advancing the field of superconductivity? Our superpower in the YP committee is our ability to connect and engage. Increasing the participation of young professionals in the community is one of the best ways to grow the field, and this duty can only be fulfilled when we maintain a continued presence by expanding on mentorship, networking, and outreach opportunities for folks in all sectors and across all disciplines. Related Content CSC Young Professionals Spotlight - Jennifer Volk