Tabea Arndt
Tabea Arndt
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Tabea Arndt is a physicist who started her studies at the KIT, Germany, on the subject of RE-123 thin films gaining her PhD in 1995. The studies have been accompanied by internships at the IBM research center near Stuttgart. She got a grant “Secure Talents for Innovation” and moved to Vacuumschmelze GmbH working on magnetic materials, alloys and wires of low and high-temperature superconductors (NbTi, Nb3Sn, Bi-2223) to be used in magnet and energy technology. She continued her work on superconducting wires and tapes in carve-outs of Vacuumschmelze and various companies supplying wires and parts for MRI, NMR and High Energy Physics magnets, transformers, cables, motors & generators and SFCLs (CERN LHC and KIT). In 2008 she joined Siemens CT, Erlangen, and became Head of Research Group “Superconducting Applications”, so changing focus from materials to applications. She pushed solutions and applications in the field of superconductivity by internal and public funded projects, e.g. on Roebel-cables, MgB2, Superconducting Fault Current Limiters, Motors & Generators, Transformers, Cable Solutions, Magnets and Electric Aircrafts. In 2015 she was promoted to the position of the Principal Key Expert “Electromagnetic Systems”. In this function, she is responsible for the high level scientific and technical approaches CT is addressing in this field. In parallel to the purely research and business related work she serves as a German delegate to the International Energy Agency, Technical Collaboration Program HTS, as a panel member of DKE/ IEC (TC90), as a board member of Conectus, ISIS and ESAS and as a panel member (deputy chair) of European Research Council, Grants for Starters and Consolidators, 2008-2014. Occasionally she gives lectures at superconductivity schools in Europe and Japan.
PlenaryPresenterDateSeriesASC 2018