CSC Young Professionals

Superconductivity Talks Series

Superconductivity Talks is our new virtual webinar series that showcases Young Professionals across different superconductivity disciplines.  Selected Young Professionals will give virtual talks to the superconductivity community about their research and interests.  This webinar series is a great way to learn about other YP research, network with other professionals within and across different superconductivity fields, and also get experience presenting!

Our first talks series encompassed fantastic talks from some of our YP members. We’ve had talks on “Boosting Superconducting Electronics with the Josephson Effect”, “Scaling Laws for Ion Irradiation Experiments in Iron-Based Superconductors (IBS)” and “Design & Modeling of a Non-Planar REBCO Coil for Stellarators”.

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Upcoming Superconductivity Talk

Speaker: Giacomo Russo

Date: 21 August 2024

Time: 4:00 AM EDT (UTC -4:00)

Title: Flux Pumps for Contactless Energization of Superconducting Magnets


Superconducting magnets play a crucial role in various applications, requiring efficient and reliable energization methods. Traditionally, power supplies for superconducting magnets rely on dissipative power electronic converters and current leads, which pose thermal and efficiency challenges. However, flux pumps offer a promising alternative as contactless, low-voltage, and high-current power supplies.

Despite their potentially disruptive impact, the complex and counterintuitive physical mechanism of flux pumps presents significant engineering challenges. This talk focuses on the innovative flux pump technology, describing its mechanism, advantages, and challenges. Drawing from experience at the University of Bologna, the intricacies of flux pump operation and strategies for addressing engineering hurdles are explored in this talk. An application-oriented optimal design procedure for flux pumps is presented, beginning with a comprehensive overview of the underlying numerical model that has been developed and is currently being utilized. Specifically, the numerical model incorporates artificial intelligence methods to capture the HTS material properties and provide results in agreement with the experimental tests.

By moving away from trial-and-error methods and adopting structured engineering approaches, the application-oriented procedure was applied to develop conceptual designs for real-world applications of superconducting magnets, like superconducting wind turbines and DC fusion magnets. These designs will be presented and discussed in detail during the talk.

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February 10 | 17:00 CET

Boosting Superconducting Electronics with the Josephson Effect

This is the first recording of the Superconductivity Talks webinar series hosted by the Young Professionals committee of the IEEE Council of Superconductivity. Dr. Halima Ahmad will speak about her research with superconducting quantum circuits.

Since its first discovery in the early ‘60s, the Josephson effect has been a powerful tool to study the fundamental physics occurring in conventional and unconventional superconducting materials and the exotic phenomena arising when coupling superconductors with barriers far from simple insulators or metals [1]. However, Josephson junctions are not just a laboratory platform. The research community has already demonstrated that they can enhance the capabilities of superconducting electronics in real-world applications: from highly sensitive magnetometry to quantum metrology and from quantum detection to quantum computation [2]. In this talk, we will specifically focus on the possibility of building a hybrid classical/quantum superconducting platform for high-performance computing by exploiting unconventional Josephson junctions that use ferromagnetic tunnel barriers (tunnel-SFS JJs) [3-7]. Tunnel SFS JJs have the potential of enlarging the capabilities of current state-of-the-art superconducting electronics [8-12]. The high quality of tunnel JJs adds to the chance to tune the magnetization of the ferromagnetic barrier. We show that this allows setting up a convenient playground for novel control, read-out, and memorization mechanisms. [1] A. Barone and G. Paternò, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 9780471014690 (1982). [2] F. Tafuri, Vol. 286. Springer Nature, (2019). [3] K. Senapati, et al., Nature Materials, 849 (2011). [4] A. Pal, et al., Nature Communications, 3340 (2014). [5] R. Caruso, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 047002 (2019). [6] R. Satariano, et al., Phys. Rev. B 103, 224521 (2020). [7] Ahmad, H. G., et al., arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15646 (2021). [8] D. Massarotti, et al., Nature Communications, 7376 (2015). [9] H.G. Ahmad, et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 014017 (2020). [10] R. Caruso, et al., Journal of Applied Physics, 123 (2018). [11] Loredana Parlato, et al., Journal of Applied Physics 127, 193901 (2020). [12] H.G. Ahmad et al., submitted paper (2021).

Dr Halima Ahmad

University of Napoli Federico II
May 22

Scaling Laws for Ion Irradiation Experiments in Iron-Based Superconductors (IBS)

This is the second recording of the Superconductivity Talks webinar series hosted by the Young Professionals committee of the IEEE Council of Superconductivity. Daniele Torsello speaks about his research regarding ion irradiation of Iron-Based Superconductors (IBS).

Ion irradiation is a useful tool to introduce disorder in materials, and hence engineer their properties. In superconductors the increased disorder enhances carrier scattering, decreasing the critical temperature, and provides pinning centers, increasing the critical current.

However, virtually infinite combinations of ions and energies exist, making it difficult to choose the best conditions for a desired outcome. We investigated how the properties of a large set of Iron-based superconductors of the 122 family are modified by ion irradiation with different beams and energies.

From this broad and comprehensive set of experimental data, clear scaling laws emerge, valid in the range of moderate disorder, providing a useful rule-of-thumb to design irradiation experiments.

Daniele Torsello

Politecnico di Torino
September 21 | 19:00 CET

Design & Modeling of a Non-Planar REBCO Coil for Stellarators

The long understood benefits of operating fusion devices, such as tokamaks and stellarators, at high fields make superconducting magnets necessary to realize a compact fusion power system. Superconducting stellarators, such as W7-X, have used standard low-temperature superconductor technology (NbTi). ARPA-E has recently funded a 2-year project led by the startup Type One Energy and involving the Fusion Technology Institute at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT, to design and manufacture the first non-planar HTS (REBCO) coil based on the SPARC tokamak’s VIPER cable concept for a high-field stellarator. The design consists of a two-turn non-planar HTS coil supported by a pair of 3D printed stainless steel radial plates. The ultimate goals of the project are to determine if commercial REBCO tapes and additive manufacturing can be used to fabricate high field (>10 T) non-planar coils with tight bending radii (100 mm) and without degradation of the superconducting performance. In this presentation we will report on the fabrication of a two-turn non-planar HTS coil with tight-radius bends that will be supported by a pair of 3D printed stainless steel radial plates. A critical risk that is still to be retired is the accurate 3D bending of a multi-turn coil so that it mates properly with the radial plates, and produces the desired 3D B-field structure. Testing of the completed coil at 77 K will characterize the Ic, the 3D B-field structure, and the quench robustness, and will be compared to detailed electromagnetic, mechanical, and thermal modeling.

Nicolò Riva

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/EPFL
8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)