Top 5 Reasons to Register for Quantum Week 2021!

Announcement | Mon, Oct 18th, 2021


The IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE 2021), 17 - 22 October 2021, is bridging the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of an industry surrounding it. Bringing a perspective to the quantum industry that is different from academic or business conferences, the all-virtual QCE 2021 will reveal cutting-edge research and developments featuring quantum research, practice, applications, education, and training.

IEEE is now at the center of a global conversation to understand the power and promise of quantum computing.” 
— Travis Humble, Oak Ridge National Lab

IEEE Quantum Week is recognized as a leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, ground-breaking innovations, and insights in quantum computing and engineering. Through participation from the international quantum community, QCE21 offers an extensive conference program with world-class keynote speakers, technical paper presentations, innovative posters, exciting exhibits, technical briefings, workforce-building tutorials, community-building workshops, stimulating panels, and Birds-of-Feather sessions.

Register for the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)

Top 5 Reasons to Register for Quantum Week 2021!

1. World Class Keynote Speakers

Hear outstanding keynote speakers from Google Quantum AI, Honeywell Quantum Solutions, IBM Quantum, and more, who will promote the virtues and state-of-the-art of the different themes of quantum computing and engineering. Learn More.

2. Community-building Workshops

Learn from IEEE Quantum Week 2021 Workshops that provide forums for group (20–50 participants) discussions on QCE21 topics in quantum research, practice, education, and applications. Learn More.

3. Workforce-building Tutorials

Access the week-long tutorials program, with 19 tutorials by leading experts, that is aimed squarely at workforce development and training considerations. The tutorials are ideally suited to develop quantum champions for industry, academia, government, and build expertise for emerging quantum ecosystems. Learn More.

4. Action-packed Daily Schedules – Papers, posters, panels, and Birds of Feather (BoF) sessions

Customize your personal daily schedule from a lineup filled with rich information, developments, and insights provided by researchers and practitioners in the field of quantum computing and engineering. Papers and posters featuring original research and groundbreaking innovations, panel sessions that uncover knowledge from the experts, and BoF sessions stimulate food for thought. Learn More.

5. Sponsor event highlights featuring technologies from quantum companies, research labs, and start-ups

Learn about emerging products, tools, services, and posters, featuring the latest quantum technologies, accomplishments, and job prospects from leading quantum companies, start-ups, national labs, research institutes, and universities from around the world. Learn More.

Learn from expert researchers and practitioners as they unwrap the cutting-edge developments taking place in quantum engineering. Secure your Seat and start building your Quantum Week experience!

Register for the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)