Theodore Van Duzer Deceased, formerly University of California, Berkeley (retired) United States 6 (Western U.S.) 2001 2002 Talk(s): Applications of Unique Superconductor Quantum Phenomena in Electronics Applications of Unique Superconductor Quantum Phenomena in Electronics × Some of the unique macroscopic quantum properties of superconductivity will be reviewed, and their applications in electronics will be explained. These include several well-established applications: detectors for radio astronomy used in most radio telescopes; the volt standard developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST); sharp superconducting filters for cellular base stations now deployed in hundreds of locations; instrumentation for ultra-weak magnetic fields using the superconducting quantum interference detector (SQUID). Other highly developed applications are nearing acceptance, including SQUID magnetocardiography and magnetoencephalography, and high-resolution, high-frequency, analog-to-digital conversion. The status and prospects of single-flux-quantum 50-100 GHz digital integrated circuits for signal processing and computation will be reviewed. Comments will be given on current research directions in superconductor electronics, including quantum computing.