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Fri, September 9, 2016
In China, we have a complete research system in applied superconductivity. Because of the particular roles of superconducting technology in telecommunication, sensitive transducer, power and energy, maglev transportation, scientific & medical equipment and environmental protection etc., the research for applied superconductivity has been widely supported by the Chinese government, local governments, industry companies, research institutions and universities. In this presentation, we, on behalf of the Chinese colleagues, will report the recent research activities of applied superconductivity in China. In the last decade, China has achieved significant progress in applied superconductivity. For example in superconducting materials, the Western Superconducting Technologies Co. Ltd, founded in 2004, has become one of the most important companies to supply the NbTi and Nb3Sn materials for ITER project, and SAMRI Advanced Material can produce YBCO tape with length up to 1km, and a 10 m long SrKFeAs superconducting tape made at IEE-CAS has achieved Jc of 180A/mm2 @4.2K and 10 T. In the application for electronics, Zhongyi Superconductor is making HTS microwave filter subsystems for base station. Also, a HTS filter subsystem for satellite receiver front-end, developed by a team in IOP-CAS, has been in operation for over two years in orbit. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) developed by SIMIT-CAS have been successfully used in 200 km measurement device independent-quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD). Application researches on SQUIDs have been strengthened over the past years with a focus on magnetocardiography, geophysical exploration and ULF-MRI. In power and energy, IEE-CAS has built a demonstration system of a 10kV superconducting power substation, and a 360 m/10kA high Tc DC power cable was experimentally operated for an electrolyze workshop. The Innopower demonstrated a 220kV HTS fault current limiter in the transmission system. In superconducting magnet technology, a 7.0 T magnet for animal MRI has been developed by Tsinghua University and Hangzhou Biopharma Innovation Park Ltd., a superconducting magnet with high Tc insert coil made by IEE-CAS reach the field up to 20 T. Besides, a superconducting TOKAMAK experimental system (EAST) has been built by the Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) of CAS.
This talk provides a comprehensive review of research and development, as well as products, product development, and applications in China using superconductor materials, technology, & electronics.