CSC presentation library

The CSC Presentation Library exists to preserve and disseminate video lectures, discussions, and presentations from the conferences and workshops that the Council supports. Since its inception in 2012, the library has become a rich repository highlighting many of the key advancements in superconductivity and is available free of charge in collaboration with

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ASC 2014


Niobium Manufacturing Technology for Superconducting Applications – from Mining to Finished Products

Niobium Manufacturing Technology For Superconducting Applications - mining, manufacturing, and perspectives.


Superconducting Qubits Poised for Fault-tolerant Quantum Computation

Awards Ceremony

IEEE CSC Awards Presented at Applied Superconductivity Conference 2014

Antonio della Corte

A number of awards and prizes were presented to outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the success of the field of applied superconductivity.

SQUIDs 50th Anniversary

The Ubiquitous SQUID

John Clarke

SQUIDs 50th anniversary - perspectives from John Clarke - The Ubiquitous SQUID

SQUIDs 50th Anniversary

SQUIDs in Electronics

Arnold H. Silver

Arnold Silver's perspectives on 50 years of SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices)

ISEC 2013

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part VII - SQUID-based noise thermometers for sub-Kelvin thermometry

Joern Beyer

SQUID-based noise thermometers for sub-Kelvin thermometry

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part VI - A high sensitive magnetometer system for natural magnetic field measurements

Ronny Stolz

A high sensitive magnetometer system for natural magnetic field measurements

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part V - SQUID Instrumentation for Early Cancer Diagnostics

Andrei Matlashov

SQUID Instrumentation for Early Cancer Diagnostics

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part IV - MRI at 130 Microtesla

Kai Buckenmaier

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Head at 130 Microtesla

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part III - MEG and ULF-MRI

Risto Ilmoniemi

Hybrid Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Techniques and Benefits

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part II

For his contributions to the development and applications of SQUIDs he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Gordon Donald Memorial Session

Gordon Donaldson: A Memory - Part I

John Clarke

Gordon Bryce Donaldson, Professor of Applied Physics at the Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, died on 28 Nov. 2012 aged 71. 

ASC 2012

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: Josephson Digital Electronics in the Soviet Union

A brief review of the work on superconducting digital electronics, based on the Josephson effect, in the former Soviet Union - from 1967 to 1991.

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: The Josephson Volt

Richard Kautz

In 1972 the ac Josephson effect was adopted internationally as a practical standard of voltage, becoming the first quantum electrical standard.

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: SQUIDs Then and Now: From SLUGS to Axions

John Clarke

The square washer dc SQUID with an integrated input coil finds a wide range of applications.

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: The Original SQUIDs

Arnold H. Silver

Arnold H. Silver presents a first-hand account of three pioneering experiments.

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: The Observations of Josephson's Effects

John M. Rowell

Brian Josephson's predictions that both direct and alternating supercurrents flow through a tunnel barrier between two superconducting films were key in the development of superconductivity applications.

Josephson 50th Anniversary

The Josephson Effect: Brian Josephson Debates John Bardeen

Don McDonald